- it is used for predicting– we use it to speak about things what we know or think will happen
( „going to“ is also possible)
I´ll be late home tonight. = a known fact
That´ll be the postman. = assumption- domněnka
Do you think the car will start? = after think, expect, believe, doubt = will
- it expresses intention ( úmysl) in the moment of decision
offers: I´ll carry the bag for you.
promises: I´ll phone you tomorrow.
threats: I´ll hit you. nepromyšlená rozhodnutí
decisions on the spot: I¨ll have a steak. unpremeditated future
agreement, acceptance: OK. I´ll work late tonight.
- the future simple is used after conditions ( po podmínkách)
If she gives him money, he will only spend it on drink.
- I will stop smoking, I really will. = strong intention
- Will you come this way? = request, orders, invitation
Won´t you sit down?
Will you bring your friend? = zdvořilá žádost – request- ve smyslu: Vemte s sebou kamaráda.
Will you be bringing your friend? – neutrální otázka- přivedeš? 2.o.
- refusal- odmítnutí
She won´t open the door. = odmítnutí!!!- nechce
The car won´t start.
He won´t come. – nechce přijít. × He won´t be coming. -nepřijde- neutrální
- He´s strange.(divnej) He´ll sit for hours not saying anything. = typical behaviour
- in questions:
Shall I help you? = offers
What shall I do? = asking for advice
Shall we go out? = suggestion
- in older English, „shall“ in the 2nd and 3rd person singular meant promise or threat
You shall suffer for this. – výhružka
If he´s good, he shall get mobile phone for Christmas. – ve smyslu- ať ho teda má
- expresses strong resolution( rozhodnutí)
I am going to get to the top. = hodlám
- you have made a decision before you speak about it.
I hope he likes music, because I´m going to buy him a CD.= hodlám, chci, jsem rozhodnut
- you have present evidence, you can see it coming
Look at the black clouds. It´s going to rain.
She is going to have a baby. evidentní
We are going to crash!
- This time tomorrow, I´ll be sitting on the train. = something will be going on at a particular moment
in the future. Fixed event. – viz min.č., přít.č.
- probability:
They´ll be crossing the frontier by now.
He won´t be riding a bike, he is only 3. – ne he won´t!!!
- something will be happening in the natural course of events ( v přiroz. průběhu událostí)
independently of the will of anybody concerned = anyway – stejně se to stane
The plain will be landing in a few moments.
- a polite way of asking about somebody´s plans without interfering with them
Will you be using the car tomorrow or can I borrow it? – ne will you use- pobídka!!!
will+perfect infinitive will+ present infinitive
by the time
The painters will have finished the rooms by Sunday.
= on Sunday they will be able to say: „We have finished.“
They will have finished the Then they will leave.
rooms by Sunday.
After conjunctions:
When / After / As soon as.
When they have finished the rooms, they will leave.
Až ho uvidím, dám ti vědět.
When I see him, I´ll let you know.
Až s ním promluvím, dám ti vědět.
When I have spoken to him, I´ll let you know.
Let´s wait until it stops raining. / it has stopped raining.
At Christmas she will have been teaching here for 20 years.
= at Cristmas she will be able to say : „ I have been teaching here for 20 years.“
-events on the programme:
The train leaves at 7.
He retires next year.= he can´t control this event
– social and travel arrangements, plans for the near future:
We´re seeing them tonight.
I´ll meet him. = decision on the spot.
I´m going to meet him. = chystám se
I´m meeting him. = it is arranged.
The first person who opens the door will get a shock.
the main clause +will
the subordinate (vedlejší) clause + present time
I´ll have a good time whether I win or lose.
He wants to know if / whether she will give it back. – vv předmětná
He used to go fishing every Sunday. = repeated action in the past
×I´m used to studying in the evenings. = to get used to doing stg.
Will you be watching TV when I come home in the evening? You seem hungry I´ll make dinner soon. If it is boy, we will call him Richard. We will have moved to the new offices by the end of the year. Don´t come in the morning, I´ll be writing the essay(then). When does spring start? I´ve lost the key.- How am I going to get in? Will you lend me the book when you have found it? By the time we get there the play will have started. The father will not lend him the car. – He says he is a bad driver.
My parents will have been married 20 years next month. He will not be coming / is not coming today, he is ill. I will always help somebody who is in trouble. I will not be teaching you next year. I will go wherever you go.