Australia is the world’s only island continent. Canberra is the capitol of the Australia. The largest city is Sydney and the Olympic games were there. It is located between Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. The highest mountain is Mt. Kosciusko in the Australian Alps. There are two largest rivers: Murray River and Darling. The others rivers get dry during year. There are 3 gig lakes: Lake Eyre, Lake Torrens and Lake Gairdner. Australia is federation of six states: New South West, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, Western Australia, Tasmania and Northern Territory. Deserts: Great Victoria Desert and Great Sandy.
The Australian climate is varies from warm to subtropical. South-east coast has warm summers, mild winters and good rainfall all the year around. The tropical north has hot, wet summers and warm, dry winters. The interior has a continental type of climate with insufficient rainfall.
The population of Australia is about 15 mil and it is concentrated on the coast. The Aborigines are aboriginal inhabitants and they are just over 100 000. Most of them live in the interior.
Australia discovered by Portuguese, Spanish and Capt. James Cook explored the eastern cost in 1770. Then Australia became British colony. After discovery gold in the middle 19th century the population increased rapidly, because many immigrants wanted become rich. About 3 mil Europeans had entered Australia since 1945.
Australia is self-supporting in many manufactured products and some of them are exported.
Agriculture: 1. sheep – raising
Australia is the greatest producer of high quality wool in the world
- Cattle – raising
- Crop production: wheat, barley, oats, maize, sugar-cane
Industry: 1. Mining
- The food industry
- The textile industry
- Engineering
The official title is The Commonwealth of Australia and it is a British dominion. It has democratic, federal system and the head of state is Queen Elizabeth II.
You can find them everywhere in Australia and you can see them eating grass in the morning in some cities. Kangaroos have short forelimbs which are mostly used for holding food and scratching. The hind limbs are very important. They play a major role when kangaroos hop to move quickly. Forelimbs are use when kangaroos moving slowly for touch with the ground. When kangaroos stand on hind limbs then use his tail as a prop.
Koala bear
Koala is one of the most adorable animals. Koala is marsupial and it looks like most teddy bear. Koala is very picked eater. It prefers only certain types of eucalyptus leaves. They sleep 18 hours a day. They are a strictly protected species because they are very slow and cannot protect themselves. Koalas were killed for their fur or just for fun.
The Emu is a large bird that runs well but cannot fly. Platypus is probably the worlds strangest animal. It has a bill and webbed feet like duck and lies like a hen but it is a mammal.
Insufficient rainfall – nedostatečné vodní srážky
Interior – vnitřek
Raising – chov
Cattle – dobytek
Crop – úroda
Wheat – pšenice
Oats – oves
Maize – kukuřice
Adorable – zbožňovánihodný
Marsupial – vačnatec
Picky eater – vybíravý jedlík
Strictly protected species – příšně chráněny druh
Fur – kožich
Increased – vzrůstat
Forelimbs – přední končetiny
Scratching – škrábání
Pouch – kapsa
Webbed feet – pl.blány
Prop – podpora
Tail – ocas
Bill – zobák
Mammal – savec