Free Time Activities
Being a student, I go to school every day, except the weekend. I
usually spend six or seven hours at the school. After that, I have a
lunch mostly in the school canteen. I sometimes go downtown directly
from school, to save time. Then I usually study, do homework and
prepare myself for another school day. In the evening I usually write
about a topic for the graduation exam, or I watch TV. Although I’m
eighteen my father wants me to go sleep before ten o’clock. He always
says „Only well prepared and well rested students can be good in
school.“ I sometimes reply that I have to finish a topic or some
homework, and that I can’t be good at school when I haven’t prepared
myself, but my dad is inflexible.
On the weekend I usually go to our cottage, but this is only in the
autumn or in the spring. In winter my friends and I go skating from
time to time. I learned to skate only three years ago. It is
strange, because most people learn skating when they are five, six or
seven. I also study during the weekend and sometimes go to see hockey.
So goes my week.
When I have free time, I usually go out, or to visit my friends, or I
read a book, or I watch TV. Currently I have less free time, because
I’m writing topics for my graduation exam, which takes my free
time away.
From time to time we play a RPG (that means: role-playing-game)
called „Dragon’s Cave“. We used to play this game more often, but
these days we all have less free time. When I say „we“ I mean myself
and two or more other friends. I don’t know if you know something
about the RPG game system. It’s difficult to explain this game system
in a few words. I’m sure you know a table game called „Clovece, nezlob
se“ . When you play this game, you are allowed to move in one
direction, you must throw a dice to see how many steps you have
to take. But when you play some AD&D based game, you are allowed to do
anything you want. It depends on the „Cave Master“, who is a person
who has created the story you are just playing, what his reaction
will be. Of course there are some rules too, but the point is that you
must think what to do to finish your mission, which is also created by
the „Cave Master“, not as in other table games. They are a bit stupid,
because you throw dice, and take as many steps as the points on the
dice, there is no thinking in such types of games. And when you play
„Clovece“ it is always the same, but when you play the same story in
„Dragon’s Cave“ it is always different, there are other characters,
other traps, towns and so on.
I used to play computer games, but now I don’t play them anymore.
There are two reasons for it. First I have an old and slow computer,
with a 386 processor, and modern games require at least a 486
processor or a Pentium processor. And secondly, as I already said, I’m
writing topics. My favorite genres are adventure, logic, and strategy