Washington and New York
Washington DC (District of Columbia) is a capital city of the USA, named after the first president, George Washington. It is home of the federal government and the residence of the president. The capital is located in a special district called „The District of Columbia“ which is not a state because it is the seat of the federal government. Washington is situated on the Potomac River and has four sections: northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest.
623,000 people inhabit the capital city. Some of 360 000(three hundred sixty thousannd) people living in the metropolitan area and they are employed by the Federal Government. All of them work in the federaly buildings, which occupy 40 per cent of the city’s land.
In Washington are situated very importance buildings: The White House, Pentagon, the Capitol, the Library of Congress atc.
The White House is the tradition residence of president, it has 132 rooms and 20 baths and showers. For example Blue Room is for the President and First lady, Eeast Room is decorated in white and gold colour and is used for the state receptions.The White House is built on Pennsilvania Ave(Avenue).
On Capitol Hill, is the Capitol where the Congress meets and the Library of Congress is the US national library.
In this city is also many famous museums. There is the National Space and Air museum, the museum of African Art, the national Gallery of Art, and many others.
Interesting place is also Folger Shakespeare Library where is world’s largest collection of Shakespeare’s works.
New York is the largest city in the US. It is also one of the most important financial, commercial, and cultural centres in the world. Many people called New York „The city that never sleeps“ because it is alive with action all day and night. Eight million people live in the five boroughs: Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, Richmond and Brooklyn. During the working day, the population grows twenty million when people come to work in New York. More than 80 languages are spoken in New York. 43% of the population is white, 25% African American, and 24% Hispanic.
There are many interesting places to visit in New York. The most famous site in the city is theStatue of Liberty. It is symbol of freedom and of the United States itself.
Many people come to New York for its culture and entertainment.
New York is famous for its Skyscrapers. I think that everbody in the world knows Empire State Building or the twin towers of the World Trade Center, which was damaged by terorist from Alkaida.