Everything in our surrounding water, air, trees, natural resources… is our environment. Our planet has many ecological problems – for example pollution of air or water, global warming, waste, Ozone hole, acid rains, cutting rainforest or population growth. The Earth has to support very many people. We consume a lot of natural resources and therefore we make a lot of garbage. Then we have to solve a very big problem where we will put all of this garbage?
Another problem is global warming. Many scientists believe that the hole in the ozon layer is caused by certain kinds of air pollution. As the hole gets bigger it is supposed that the Earth will get warmer and it means that the oceans to rise and wather to change.
The Amazon forest is very importatnt for the future of the world. This area contains one third of the world´s trees. However, the trees are disappearing. Why are the Amazon forests cutted? People need the land, people have money from the trees, people built roads and Brazil owes money pay back their debt. What will happen if more of the Amazon forest cut down? The air that we breathe will lose some of it´s oxygen. It means that in the air will be more carbon dioxide too. It will become difficult – perhaps even impossible – to breathe, with more carbon dioxide in the air – the temperature will rise, the ice will melt, the sea level will rise, and hundreds of coastal cities will be flooded.
Acid rains are caused by the air pollution. Gases in the air, such as dinitric oxide (N2O) and sulfuric dioxide (SO2), mix with water steam in the atmosphere and create nitric acid and sulfuric acid which rains down to Earth and pollutes water, soil and green plants, which has an effect on health of the organisms on the Earth.
Seas and oceans are very important for human life, but it is a lot of polluted. There live many kinds of animals for example whales dolphins, sharks, etc … Sea´s fish are very important because they are important part of human food. Very important is water from the sea too. In the bottom under the land there is oil and gas.
Also Czech Republic has its own problems. Probably the worst problem is air pollution. People burn brown coal which is very dirty. Factories fill the air with smelly and dangerous smoke. The air is very unpleasant in winter. In parts of country especially in the North Bohemia, Prague and around Ostrava people have many health problems.
Another big problem is the destruction of nature. Industry and ever-increasing population had destroyed many forests. This problem is called deforestation. People always need more space, factories, paper or wood. In the past twenty years many beautiful old forests in Moravia and Bohemia have been destroyed. But people establish CHKO – Landscape protected region – here live many endangered species and you can find here many interesting plants. In this regions people are not allowed to make a noise, fire, drop a litter or go out from signated paths…
We have to protect our nature and environment. We can recycle paper, iron or plastics, we can save energy or water too. We protect many animals in Czech Republic, for example – frogs, stork or lynx and panda, whales, elephants or tiger in the world.