– Schuman, french mnister of forain affairs made o proposal of creating organization
What will check coal and lead industry
– Established
– Parisian contarct about establishment of „EU coal and steal“
– Belgium, France, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherland, Germany
– mostly for smoothing of long taking enmity (conflict)
– coordination and checking both industries
– signed 2 contracts (Rome´s contract)
- to let Union growth
EHS – European aglicultural partnership –
- to help of united marked and to help social life and economical growth
ESAE = EUROATOM – Europien union of atomic (nuclear) energy
- atomic research, safety in nuclear industry and its controll
- renamed “European partnership”
1961 – entered Greece (for 20 years)
– finished building of “taxes Union”
– cancelled import taxis for industry products in Union´s states, In 18 months
agricultural taxis. Established taxes book for bussiness between non Union states
1.1.1973 – Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom (Norway did not entered because of declined referendum)
70´s – Established United Nations bodies (court, accounting court, …)
Beginning of 1981 – Greece as the southest and poorest country
1986 – Portugeese, Spain
Till 1992 – “White book for inside market” with 3 barriers,
- to protect states in so fast integration
- physical – protection of free movement of goods cross the borders
- technical – various technical standards divided market on more pieces
- taxes – different taxes caused controls at the borders
2.5.1992 – “ Program about free movement of goods, service, capital “
– without various barriers
- free good movement between Union ´s states
- right to move from state to state, work there, live there
- free movement of capital
- no regulation for services movement in EU
– with these rules and responsibilities European coucil and parts of EU got
more responsibilities
- 12.1991 signed “Contract about business with CSFR, Poland, Hungary and SSSR (Russia)
- Established European bank
- European changes (connected Germany and EU had 1 more stated, Germany became one of the leading country)
- Needed change of economical and currency union
– Denmark’s referendum was declined (2nd time accepted) and accepted contract about
Unions changes
– in Madrid was decided about currency (to help bussines) € and it validity from 1.1.1999
– entered Austria, Finland, Sweeden (Norway did not entered again)
- “Amsterdam’s contract” – brought various changes (for better controll in growing EU), e.g.
- No more than 700 in European parliament
- EU can accept only state with democracy, freedom, etc.
- More rights for 3rd pillar (European council), etc.
1998 – viz. CZ
2000 – more seats in EU parliament (740, CZ 24)
– changes in Council of ministers (according to future members, CZ 12)
- and 13.2002
– discussion about entrance of new states. And prepaire them till 1.5.2004
– unfortunately EU did not let Czech citizenship employment in all EU countries, in all spheres immediately
- and 14.3. 2003
– referendum in entering countries
– every one agreed, european parliament gave green for entrance of all 10 countries
– signed contract about entrance with CZ, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Litvenia, Hungary,
Malta, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia
Flag – 12 stars (symbol of perfekness, cause 12 months, 12 hours on clock) on blue
Anthem – Beethoven, 9th symphony (peace)
Czech Republic and European Union
– our chairman gave EU request for entering CZ to EU
– together with memorandum (explain why we decided to access to EU)
– EU worked on reports to all of requesting countries (became part of Agenda 2000)
1997 – Luxemburg
– sitting of European Council and dealing about new countries and their membership
(CZ, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Estonia and Cyprus)
4.2. 1998
– Czech received Document called “Entering Partnership”, what included changes
Before exact entrance to EU¨
- later on talked to every country, discussed where have to make changes
– czech government wants to lower deficit gy GDP till 2007 and make chart of it
€ 40 millions from EU
– EU offers 40 mill. € in the operation Program
– Projects (schools, physical persons, companies, hospitals, education, employment,
qualification, research, etc.)
– CZ has to finance 20-50 %
Phare 2003 (employment important points)
- active politic of employment (115 from 192, EU has to agree), 13,5 mil€ (10 mil€ EU, 3,5 CZ)
- integration of social outcasted (vyloučit) groups of people, 8 mil€ (6mil € EU, 2mil€ CZ), 78 projects from 138 requests (agreement by EU commission in CZ.
Immigrant, employment, traveling – changes
– insurance (as now)
– income for retired – same
– immigrants and their family member (from EU) have the right to ask for social contribution (příspěvek). State cannot refuse, but make its high according to its rules
– OSVČ (business man) has to work according our legislature
– insurance – if you spend different time in two countries and miss entitlement to benefits (nárok na dávky) you can sume the fine
– you can ask for benefits in country where you live
– insurance care – with form of state A (yes, only short stays)
– EURES – European Employment service (CZ wants employes, or other countries) offers places
– 3.2004 after terrorist attacks in Madrid, EU made stronger justice (fight against terrorism)
29.10.2004 Rome
– contract about European Constitution (ratification of states)
- Part
- Head – preamble
- Head – citizens in EU
- Head – competence of EU
- Head – European council works separately as 1 authority
- members in council
- Head – competences of EU
- changes from 11 law acts to 6, changes definitions – how to use them and
- explain of legislative and executive function
- not 3 pillars in the future but function of 2nd (inside work of EU) and 3rd pillar (police and justice cooperation) will be kept
- Head – democracy in EU
- Head – financing of EU
- Head – declaration about cooperation of EU and near surroundings of EU
- Head – Membership of EU (states)
- Part
- List of basic rights in EU
III. Part
- politics and function of EU – what autorities work in various cases
- Part
- general and closing regulations and protocols